June 5th - June 6th, 2019
Telč, Czech Republic
Ondřej Jiroušek |
Faculty of Transportation Sciences, CTU in Prague |
| Ondrej Jirousek has received his PhD degree at the Czech Technical University in Prague in 2004 with thesis Mathematical Models in Biomechanics Constructed on Basis of Data Obtained from Computer Tomography. Currently he is head of Department of Mechanics and Materials at Faculty of Transportation Sciences, CTU in Prague and vice-dean for Science and Research. He has been principal investigator of 5 research projects awarded by Czech Science Foundation and team member of several national and international research grants. His professional interests include smart structures, auxetic materials, FE simulations applied to engineering problems, strain measurement using contact-less methods (digital image correlation) and dynamic testing of materials. Currently supervising 5 Ph.D. students, 4 other students have successfully defended their Ph.D. theses. |
Utilization of RTG and CT for characterization of mechanical behaviour of materials |
Ondřej Jiroušek
In the short lecture an overview of X-ray radiography and computer tomography applied to characterization of materials and microstructures will be given. Attention will be paid to using combination of experiments (tomography or radiography under mechanical load) and numerical modelling (Finite Element models with geometry based on the tomography data) used for verification of the constitutive models. Short overview of the mesh generation methods from image data will be given. A general framework for comparison between the experimental and numerical results will be introduced and applied to selected case studies. Examples of experiments performed on a wide range of materials, ranging from trabecular bone samples, whole bone samples (vertebral bodies) to metallic foams will be presented. |